Virtual Health Options

Hormones Health Coach

Hormone Consultation


Hormones Health Coach • Hormone Consultation • PinkMapping •

Healthcare Differently

Kris believes your skin is a reflection of your internal heatlh and says the best way to take care of your skin is to address any internal disruptions that could be causing skin issues like digestive issues, chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease.

Our family clinic utilizes a person-focused medical approach that provides individualized healthcare for your specific needs. We focus on the whole-person concept and believe that establishing a provider-patient relationship is necessary to best learn and then provide the care you need for optimal health and wellness.

Providing this level of care is made simpler because you have options! Whether you have insurance or no insurance we are able to work with you to meet your needs. At Adair Clinic your health and wellness are important to us and we strive to work with you to address your individual concerns to get you back to feeling your best!  

We do take select insurance plans and also offer self-pay options if you don't have insurance.

By treating these conditions from the inside your skin will reveal a glowing reflection of your internal balance with healthy radiant skin.

Services Offered

Preventive Care

Stay ahead of health concerns with our comprehensive preventive care. We focus on keeping you healthy through regular check-ups, screenings, and personalized advice, tailored to your unique health profile.

Family Medicine

Your family's health is our priority. Our family medicine services cater to patients ages 12 and older, offering a range of treatments and preventive measures to keep your loved ones healthy and thriving.

Women’s Health

Empowering women at all stages of life, our women's health services cover everything from reproductive health to menopause management. Receive compassionate and expert care in a supportive environment.

Individualized Weight Loss

Embark on a weight loss journey tailored just for you. Our individualized plans combine prescription weight loss medications, diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes, designed to achieve sustainable and healthy weight loss.

STD and Wellness Care

Our confidential STD and wellness services offer peace of mind. Get tested and treated with utmost discretion, and receive guidance on maintaining your sexual health and overall well-being.

Comprehensive Hormone Therapy

Rebalance and rejuvenate with our comprehensive hormone therapy. We offer personalized treatments to address hormonal imbalances, helping you feel your best at every stage of life.

Hormone Evaluation

“I will fix your hormones” Kris, FNP-BC

Pink Hormones - The Blueprint

  • Hormone imbalances can be triggered by conditions like PCOS, endometriosis, perimenopause, menopause, thyroid disease and others. As a result, there can be a variety of symptoms ranging from mild to severe affecting many different body systems. For these reasons, we perform a comprehensive evaluation and hormone mapping to assess risk and potential impact of your particular hormone imbalance.

  • Understanding the extent of your hormone imbalance means completing testing. Our unique Pink Mapping system identifies health and hormone imbalance risks, allowing for understindings of proper testing that can include blood work, diagnostic testing and various imaging to see the full picture of your hormone imbalance, aiding in hormone balance, weight loss management and overall health improvement.

  • Hormone treatment is customized to your specific symptoms and test results. This can include a combination of estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, vitamin supplements and nutritional balancing to help restore your hormones to their optimal level and resolve your symptoms.

  • The benefits of hormone therapy are tremendous from improved mood, better sleep and memory, sense of balance and wellbeing, you will be provided ongoing care and support based on your hormone mapping assessment for the duration of your hormone journey.

  • Hormone imbalance happens to all women. In many cases, the symptoms of hormone imbalance start well before current healthcare guidelines acknowledge. This means millions of women suffer unnecessarily with hormone imbalance symptoms without help. I want to fix that and help as many women as possible get the help they need to treat their hormone imbalance.

Book an Appointment

Booking Process

Booking an appointment is easy whether you live in Arizona, or out of town.

  1. Complete the appointment request.

  2. Complete the prescreening questionnaire that will be sent to you by the staff.

  3. Once appointment confirmation is complete, prepare for your appointment with your PinkPacket that will be emailed to you.

    Please note: For non-insurance appointments, fee-for-service or out-of-town clients each appointment is $150 fee with $75 required for appointment confirmation. If appointments are not confirmed they will be cancelled.

    *Some out-of-town clients may still require diagnosis and treatment in their home state.

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